UNIFE Vision Paper on the Evolution of Regulation, Standardisation and Innovation for a Competitive European Rail Supply Industry
This UNIFE Vision Paper provides a state of play, lessons learnt, and challenges experienced by the European rail supply industry in the areas of regulation, standardisation and research & innovation. The Vision Paper outlines UNIFE’s high-level objectives and vision to achieving an efficient technical framework and our shared goal of increasing the competitiveness and market share of rail transport supporting the European Green Deal.
This UNIFE Vision Paper comes at a key moment for the European railway stakeholders in shaping the European railway target system and defining how to achieve the Single European Railway Area, following the TSI Revision Package 2022 and establishment of the Europe’s Rail Joint Undertaking.
The goal is to ensure all initiatives fit together and that expert resources are used in an effective way and deliverables in the right place in order to support the European rail supply industry to thrive both at home and internationally.