2022 DAC Sector Statement
Together with the other rail sector associations UNIFE has published a rail sector statement in support of Digital Automatic Coupling (DAC). The statement showcases the need and the advantages of rolling out this innovative technology across the European railway system in an accelerated and concerted manner. The European railway sector underlines its commitment to DAC and calls the European Commission, the Member States and the European Union Agency for Railways (ERA) to action.
The document was presented and publicly handed over to DG MOVE’s Director General Henrik Hololei during a dedicated event at InnoTrans where the different rail freight stakeholders took the opportunity to present their views and needs in the transition to DAC.
UNIFE continues to support the different activities on DAC such as the System Pillar task on Full Digital Freight Train Operation, coordinated via the UNIFE Freight Committee.
Please contact Nicolas Furio