Product Related Chemicals Regulations

The UNIFE Chemical Risks Topical Group (CR TG) leads UNIFE’s policy on chemicals and hazardous substances management

Product Related Chemicals Regulations

The UNIFE Chemical Risks Topical Group (CR TG) leads UNIFE’s policy on chemicals and hazardous substances management at the world and European levels, including the European Chemicals Agency (ECHA) activities, but not limited to them. It updates the Railway Industry Substance List (RISL) and the UNIFE Material and Substance Declaration Template.

The UNIFE CR TG also updates the following documents about RoHS (Restriction of Hazardous Substances), WEEE (waste electrical and electronic equipment), F-Gases (fluorinated gases), and SCIP (substances of concern in products).


UNIFE Fact Sheet RoHS_2022-01

UNIFE Fact Sheet WEEE_2025-01

UNIFE Fact Sheet_ China RoHS_2016-12

UNIFE SCIP factsheet 2024-04


UNFE fact sheet F-Gas Regulation 2024-11



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NOTE: This list is for information only and no assurance is given as to its accuracy, completeness or sufficiency.

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