UNIFE is very pleased to announce the signature of a Memorandum of Understanding with ABIFER – the Brazilian Association of the Railroad Suppliers, at InnoTrans. In all segments, Brazil represents a significant market for the European Rail Supply Industry – freight of course, but also passenger transport, be it intercity, suburban or urban. Therefore, the European Rail Supply Industry is very keen on cooperating with its Brazilian counterpart to achieve a favourable environment for the development of the Brazilian railway transportation system.
The collaboration between UNIFE and ABIFER started two years ago in the framework of the cooperation between the European Agency for Railways and ANTT – the Brazilian Ground Transportation Agency. This cooperation was formalised with the signature of a MoU during InnoTrans 2014. With this occasion, UNIFE and ABIFER discussed the potential topics and joint activities on which it is mutually beneficial to share experience: Interoperability, regulations and standards, investment… Since then, several fruitful events have been organised on these topics in Brazil, and the industry has been very supportive of these exchanges.
The Memorandum of Understanding will enable to build on previous cooperation activities and further facilitate discussions between the European and Brazilian rail industries. We also hope that it will efficiently support the institutional cooperation already established between the European Agency for Railways and Agência Nacional de Transportes Terrestres (ANTT).