Horizon Europe Programme at its crossroads! UNIFE joins a call on the European Institutions to support an ambitious budget for Horizon Europe
UNIFE is proud to be amongst the 93 European associations representing key European research & innovation stakeholders to call for an ambitious Horizon Europe Programme. The joint statement urges the European institutions to increase the budget in the next Multiannual Financial Framework for research, development and innovation (RD&I) to at least €120 billion. In order for Horizon Europe to deliver on its promises, the joint call argues for at least 60% budget share of the Horizon Europe’s total budget to be allocated to its pillar II - Global Challenges and European Industrial Competitiveness pillar.
Today’s world is defined by RD&I, thus ambitious promises and targets of Horizon Europe come as no surprise. Boosting Europe’s future growth, employment and competitiveness and securing Europe’s seat amongst the frontrunners of the technological revolution are only few of the objectives defined under the Horizon Europe programme aiming to power our continent in the 21st century. The European innovation community is committed to be actively involved in a concrete co-creation process towards the programme’s successful implementation. However, the programme will need an adequate budget at the level of its ambitions.
On top of excellent cross-border collaborative work, EU Member States should dedicate at least 60% of the total Horizon Europe budget to the “Global Challenges and European Industrial Competitiveness” pillar. It will enable amongst many things to build a long-term trust-based partnerships amongst a wide variety of European RD&I actors, as well as reduce risk and uncertainty of business investments in Europe while also prepare Europe to face the great challenges of today and tomorrow.
All 93 European associations are ready to further discuss these recommendations with the EU Institutions. At UNIFE, we are fully convinced that Europe has the potential to lead the global innovation race and to remain a model of economic and social prosperity.