• address TSIs that effectively work to harmonise European and national standards on railway dynamics and track interaction to reduce the costs and time of certification;
• reduce the costs and time of certification by reducing existing tests; and
• reduce the costs of certification by introducing virtual testing
The final DynoTRAIN Meeting will take place on 26th-27th September 2013 at DB Systel | Jürgen-Ponto-Platz 1,60329 Frankfurt am Main, Germany
At this meeting, the DynoTRAIN partners would like to present their results, achieved upon the completion of just over four years of research, to all of the key stakeholders in dynamics. The meeting will also give the consortium an opportunity to present the significance of its results for standards and regulation. The partners will be very happy to discuss the implications of their work with the audience during the meeting.
There will be sessions on:
• The DynoTRAIN measurement campaign;
• Track geometry measurement;
• The influence of track geometry on vehicle behaviour;
• Statistical methods;
• Wheel and rail interaction;
• Cross acceptance;
• Model validation;
• The Introduction of Simulation in the Certification Process; and
• Accuracy and uncertainty in measurements
To register for the event, please click here.