An-ambitious FP9 strengthening Europe’s Industrial Leadership – Joint Declaration by industry and RTOS
We support the overall objective and architecture of Horizon 2020. When compared with its predecessor, Horizon 2020 achieved major progress in better balancing EU funding over the whole ecosystem of research and innovation. The three-pillar structure reflects quite well the whole innovation chain from basic, blue sky research, over applied research to close-to-market actions (pilots, prototypes). It has managed to better support impact-based research and innovation programmes. Horizon 2020 is helping both big and small R&I stakeholders to dilute the risk of failure for otherwise risky projects thereby decreasing the cost of innovation. It also contributes to not only speeding up market uptake of innovations, but also harnessing benefits for the European society. Cross-border industrial collaborative R&I must be continued under FP9 aiming at increasing the competitiveness of European industry and European cohesion. Collaborative R&I at European level is needed more than ever before in order to make the ongoing technological transitions a success for both European industry and society.
The participation of both Industry and Research and Technology Organisations (RTOs) in EU R&I Framework Programmes is essential to turn ideas into impact-driven and value-creating technologies, applications, and solutions. Among others, the engagement of the whole innovation ecosystem is supported by the contractual Public Private Partnerships (cPPPs) and Joint Technology Initiatives (JTIs). These instruments are one way to address private sector participation bringing leverage from industry. Industry and RTOs are highly committed to the Societal Challenges and the Industrial Leadership pillars. Both should be strengthened to speed up efforts in overcoming the valley of death as well as the gap between the demonstration and commercialization phases. Contractual PPPs and the JTIs are unique platforms, which foster cooperation between public and private actors by pooling their diverse capabilities and creating the critical mass for innovative breakthrough. They also leverage the necessary funds for large-scale European projects. Understanding the channels to market as well as the challenges to upscaling, industry bridge gaps and accelerate the generation of impact and results from R&I programmes.
The next EU R&I Framework Programme should be an ambitious framework programme built on Horizon 2020’s achievements. We strongly believe that this means:
• Increasing significantly the overall EU budget for research and innovation in FP9 within the current discussion on the Multiannual Financial Framework,
• Focusing on a well-balanced three-pillar structure, while allocating an equivalent share of the budget to each pillar,
• Strengthening the EU industrial leadership to guarantee sustainable application and implementation of European research,
• Continuing financial incentives in form of grants for all actors of the value chain, including small & large companies.
We, the 23 signatories of this Joint Declaration, are ready to strengthen our cooperation with the European Commission, the European Parliament, and the Council of the European Union to define and implement an ambitious FP9 with a strong focus on EU industrial leadership. This will be paramount to position Europe as a global industrial leader and safeguard our growth and jobs.