Skills for the Rail Supply Industry: Adapting Training and Attracting Talent
UNIFE’s digital event titled 'Skills for the Rail Supply Industry: Adapting training and attracting talent' took place on 24th March between 10:00-11:30 (CET). The event focused on industry recruitment and addressed the current skills shortage. The online event was organised in the framework of the European Year of Rail featuring the following speakers:
- Marieke Vandeweyer, Senior Policy Analyst on Vocational Education and Training, OECD Centre for Skills, Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD) (tbc)
- Tina Weber, Research Manager on Employment, Eurofound (EU Agency for the Improvement of Living and Working Conditions) (tbc)
- Angela Di Febbraro, Professor of Transportation Engineering, University of Genoa
- Sabine Schneider, Head of Talent Management, Siemens Mobility
- Sara Carrer, Executive Vice President for Europe and Africa, Burson Cohn & Wolfe (BCW) (tbc)
The discussion was moderated by Chris Jackson, Editor in Chief of Railway Gazette