NEXT-GEN RAIL: Building the workforce of tomorrow for the rail sector
To help Europe achieve both its Green Deal and digitalisation ambitions, it needs rail.
What Rails needs to welcome the next generation to the industry, is to create pathways for the younger generation to not only fill future roles but also equip them with the skills they need to succeed.
As a new generation is on the verge of entering the industry, we need to address the rail sector’s skills shortage, on March 27th, 2024, UNIFE will host NEXT- GEN RAIL: Building The Workforce of Tomorrow For the Rail Sector.
This conference will bring together EU Commission representatives, Members of the European Parliament, Member State representatives, Rail Industry Executives, Policymakers, and HR & Talent experts.
UNIFE aims to enable a platform to inform, guide, and chart a way forward for how the rail industry and policymakers can unite in creating the jobs of tomorrow.
From defending Europe from cyber threats to critical rail infrastructure, and building the high-speed rail systems which connect the continent, attendees will discuss the talent profiles and educational pathways which are needed by the industry.
The program will address common goals, funding opportunities, and addressing diversity and gender challenges, alongside engaging with the ongoing ERASMUS+ STAFFER Program.
Keep on reading to discover our detailed program.
Registrations for this event are closed. Please get in touch with UNIFE's team for further questions.
Program details:
Date – 27 March 2024
Venue – Silversquare Bailli
(Avenue Louise 231, Brussels, Belgium)
8:30 – 9:00 Registration and welcome coffee
9:00 – 9:30 Key-note speeches
- Georges Gilkinet (Belgian Deputy Prime Minister and Minister for Mobility, Belgian Presidency of the EU) – video message
- Andriana Sukova (Acting Director-General, Directorate-General for Employment, Social Affairs and Inclusion, European Commission)
- Jonathan Nguyen (Head of Public Affairs, UNIFE)
09:30 – 10:30 The ERAMUS+ STAFFER project: main results, lessons learnt and policy recommendations from the rail sector
- Angela Di Febbraro (Professor of Transportation Engineering, University of Genoa and STAFFER Coordinator)
- Sabine Schneider (Head of Talent Management, Siemens Mobility and STAFFER partner)
- Barbara Grau (Head of European and International HR Affairs, SNCF and STAFFER partner)
- Khaled Itani (Expert in Electromobility, Conservatoire National des Arts et Métiers – CNAM, STAFFER partner)
10:30 – 10:45 Coffee break
10:45 – 12:15 Roundtable discussion: what synergies between stakeholders are needed for the rail sector?
- Lorena Ionita (Deputy-Head of Unit, DG Grow Mobility Unit, European Commission)
- Guibert Debroux (Director of the Skills and Business Services Department, Le Forem – Walloon Office for Employment and Vocational Training)
- Catherine Letang (Vice President Employee Relations Transit & Human Resources, Wabtec)
- Matthias Rohrmann (Managing Director AGV Move/ DB, president EU SSD rail)
12:15 – 13:30 Lunch
13:30 – 14:30 Roundtable Discussion: decoding career strategies with Talent Acquisition/HR Experts and integrating STAFFER project results within companies
- Wendolyn Padilla-Marroquin (AU Campus Manager, Alstom)
- Anna Izzo (Head of Talent Attraction and Employee Engagement, Hitachi Rail)
- Traude Kogoj (Head of Diversity & Inclusion, ÖBB)
14:30 – 17:00 Workshops
14:30 – 15:15 Workshop 1: Building a powerful rail job brand
- Richard Kayser (Scientific Associate Electrical Rails, Chair of Electric Railways at Dresden Technical University and STAFFER partner)
- Rachely Burgos (Communications Manager, UNIFE)
15:15 – 15:30 Coffee break
15:30 – 16:15 Workshop 2: Tackling diversity and gender challenges
- Estelle Bacconnier (Policy Officer, DG MOVE, European Commission)
- Brechje Merckx (Global Diversity and Inclusion Manager, Alstom)
16:15 – 17:00 Workshop 3: Understanding EU financial schemes
- Felix Rohn (Policy Officer, DG Employment, European Commission)
- Marnix Van Der Heijde (Stakeholder Relations, Academy and Communications Manager, European Railway Agency)
- Dorothea Spaepen (Communication Officer, Monitoring, Analysis, Research and Stakeholders Unit, European Railway Agency)
17:00 – 17:10 Closing remarks
• Jonathan Nguyen (Head of Public Affairs, UNIFE)
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