UNITEL Committee

The UNITEL Committee focuses on the development and implementation of the future interoperable railway communication system (FRMCS/Next Generation), the inherent successor of GSM-R, as part of the future ERTMS. UNITEL brings together the major railway telecommunications products suppliers and companies that have significant experience in current GSM-R and future railway systems.

The committee members aim to ensure that the railways communication system fulfils existing and future signalling, train control and traffic management requirements, as well as supports European railway research initiatives.

In detail, the UNITEL committee members are dedicated to:

  • Active global promotion of the GSM-R technology and upcoming FRMCS
  • Supply of interoperable end-to-end systems
  • Minimisation of integration efforts and railway migration costs
  • Continued development of the EIRENE standards in line with railway requirements
  • Supporting UIC, European Union Agency for Railways (ERA) and the ERTMS Users Group
  • Smooth evolution and migration to the Future Railway Mobile Communication System (FRMCS)

For more information on the UNITEL Committee activities and positions regarding GSM-R and FRMCS, please visit the Telecommunications: GSM-R and FRMCS page.

To support the UNITEL committee, a dedicated technical working group – the UTG – UNITEL Technical Group – has been established to support and actively contribute to the ERA and UIC working groups dealing with the technical standardisation of both legacy and next generation railway telecommunication systems.

Position Papers:


Overview of UNITEL and UTG member engagements:

For more information on the UNITEL members and their offerings, please refer to the web pages:


Alstom       www.alstom.com

AŽD Praha www.azd.cz www.radom.eu

Belam   www.belam.lt

Cellnex www.cellnex.com

Comesvil www.comesvil.com

Ericsson www.ericsson.com

ErvoCom www.ervocom.ch

Eviden www.eviden.com 

Frequentis www.frequentis.com/en/public-transport

Funkwerk www.funkwerk.com

Fujikura www.fujikura.com

Hitachi Energy   www.hitachienergy.com

Hitachi Rail STS  www.hitachirail.com

S&T Iskratel www.iskratel.com/en/industries/transport

Kontron Transportation www.kontron.com/industries/transportation

Leonardo www.leonardocompany.com/en/security-cyber

Mermec STE www.mermecste.com

Nokia    www.nokia.com/networks/industries/railways/

RideOnTrack www.rideontrack.com

Polomarconi www,polomarconi.it 

Siemens https://new.siemens.com/global/en/products/mobility/rail-solutions/rail-automation/signaling-on-board-and-crossing-products/rail-communications/cab-radios-and-on-board-communication.html

Softil     www.softil.com

TTC MARCONI   www.ttc-marconi.com

Triorail  www.triorail.com/home.html

Thales www.thalesgroup.com/en/markets/transport/main-line-rail

Viavi Solutions  https://www.viavisolutions.com/en-us/products/railway-and-mcx-assurance




Frequency of meetings: once every 3 months
No. of participating members: 26
For more information, please contact:
Technical Affairs
Nicholas Shrimpton Technical Affairs

Nicholas Shrimpton

Head of Unit - Technical Affairs +32 492 152479 Read more
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