Control Command and Signalling Systems Platform

The Control Command and Signalling Platform (CCS-P) provides UNIFE with signalling expertise. Platform members collaborated with EULYNX Consortium members on reviewing EULYNX Specifications which aim to standardise interfaces and elements of signalling systems.The platform is now following the System Pillar Trackside Assets group.

The committee consists of representatives from UNIFE members active in signalling.


Frequency of meetings: 1-2 times a year
No. of participating members: 14
Main achievements:
  • Position Paper outlining main rail industry’s stances and concerns on the current status of the EULYNX project. This document proposed concrete solutions for the way forward.
  • Internal document discussing collaboration with EULYNX on the CCS Platform’s internal structure and coordination process
  • UNIFE Technical Review of EULYNX Baseline 3 Release 4 (April 2020)
  • UNIFE Technical Review of EULYNX Baseline 3 Release 5 (May 2020)
For more information, please contact:
Jose Bertolín Technical Affairs

Jose Bertolín

Technical Affairs Manager +32 2 642 23 24 Read more
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