UNIFE Material and Substance Declaration Template
The UNIFE Material and Substance Declaration Template aims to harmonise the information requested by leading system integrators and develop a common form that all of them would recognise.

Material and Substance Declaration Template
The UNIFE Material and Substance Declaration Template aims to harmonise the information requested by leading system integrators and develop a common form that all of them would recognise. With this document, the reporting on hazardous substances would be simplified for the suppliers, and the same format could be delivered for each system integrator.
The release of the common template is a part of the series of actions the European Railway Industry have launched to best comply with the REACH regulation (EC 1907/2006) that entered into force on 1 June 2007 and has reinforced the legal provisions for manufacturers, downstream users, and importers of substances.
The UNIFE Chemical Risks Topical Group (CR TG) members urge the industry suppliers to use the UNIFE Material and Substance Declaration Template, which will be the official format for reporting on the substance composition of their products.
UNIFE Chemical Risks Topical Group elaborated on a revised version of the UNIFE Material and Substance Declaration Template in February 2024.