18 Sep 2024

European Rail Supply Industry reacts to EU Commissioners-designate, sees incredible potential in sustainable growth plan

We would like to send our congratulations to all the Commissioners-designate, who have shown a commitment to supporting industry and economic prosperity as a matter of principle. This is important for our sector, as we seek to not only stay competitive, but also grow further.

Quotes attributable to UNIFE Director General Enno Wiebe:

on Commissioner-designate Apostolos Tzitzikostas, Sustainable Transport and Tourism
Mario Draghi’s Competition Report specifically called for the harmonisation of signalling regulations across Member States, and ensuring investment in ERTMS (including radio-based communication) and the Digital Automatic Coupling. Addressing these pressing issues will transform and digitise the European rail network.”  

“It is clear that Europe needs a sustainable transport investment plan which focuses on decarbonising Europe’s transport networks. We stand ready to assist and provide our expertise on the matter.”

on Commissioner-designate Stéphane Séjourné, Executive Vice-President for Prosperity and Industrial Strategy
“The upcoming reform of the EU public procurement directives will be key, as the industry needs a ‘fair market’. Whether it is competing against players across the world or against other forms of transport, a level playing field is vital to unleashing the potential growth of the industry.”

“There is no better industry suited to being supported by European industrial strategy – it is a fixture of Europe’s supply chains, central to innovation, produces minimal emissions and has the scope to create tens of thousands of jobs.”

on Commissioner-designate Wopke Hoekstra, Climate, Net Zero and Clean Growth
“The Clean Industrial Deal will be vital to reducing emissions and building the industries of tomorrow. Investment needs to be targeted at European net zero infrastructure, and feasible, ready to scale-up solutions.” 

“Draghi’s report last week was clear – transport emissions are the only sector which seen emissions grown since 1990. Rail is only 0.4% of Europe’s transport greenhouse gas emissions, and is a proven, non-speculative and already available technology.”

The European Rail Supply Industry employs 650,000 people continent wide and is worth €45.8 billion.

This industry is central to the European Green Deal, and advocates for reforms across the Commission that ensure the potential of the rail supply can be unleashed to transform and decarbonise Europe’s transport networks, while creating tens of thousands of new jobs.

Key priorities in which the European Rail Supply Industry believes are worthy of consideration from the Commissioners:

  • Regulatory stability, and coherence of various fields of policies across portfolios, as per Mario Draghi’s Competitiveness Report
  • Ensuring a ‘fair market’ for the European rail supply industry via trade tools, while ensuring rail has a level playing field among other modes of transport
  • The need for long-term funding and financing for the deployment of key rail technologies, such as ERTMS and the Digital Automatic Coupling
  • Planning and development of strategies to increase high-speed rail and ensure more cross-border travel

For more information contact:
Andrei Ciufu
Head of Communications
+32 2 626 12 64

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